Jay Ressler
Many of Jay Ressler’s best-known photographs are composites based on his original captures put together in multiple layers to produce stunningly original, interleaved images. Ressler’s endeavors also include extensive work with infrared and solarized photography.
Ressler's body of work includes a growing portfolio of Oil and acrylic paintings.
He frequently extends his multi-layered approach to encaustic mixed media creations. Based on ancient techniques, he cooks his own recipes of beeswax and damar resin to produce an exquisite patina when combined with photographs.
He regularly exhibits in local venues. Ressler is a juried member of both the Art Plus Gallery in West Reading and the Reading-Berks Guild of Craftsmen. His composite photograph “The Love Bugs” was chosen for the Art of the State exhibition at the State Museum of Pennsylvania in 2016.
He is the 2020-2024 President of the Berks Art Alliance